ACT Street Angels
13 Feb 2024
ACT Street Angels are hoping to partner with the Walksafe App in the near future. This will mean if you have the app (Available in the app and play store), you will be able to see exactly where the ACT Street Angels are in real time, as we will appear as angel beacons. More importantly the Walksafe App is a great and safe way to know where your friends are, this comes in handy on nights out if you have lost your friend, You can open the Walksafe App and see exactly where your friend is and the path that they took to get there. there are also many other benefits to the Walksafe App including knowing where your children are or if you have anxiety you can share your location, destination and route that you are taking with anyone you wish to i.e a friend or family member and if you go off track or stop for a time it will automatically alert your chosen person and also give the option to contact emergency services.